Conflict of Interest

Competing Interests

It is the responsibility of all authors to disclose relevant financial and personal relationships, affiliations, and activities that might bias or be perceived to bias their work.  Authors must explicitly state whether potential competing interests do or do not exist. In this regard, authors are required to do two things:

  • Complete the Competing Interests and Other Disclosures Form

    The corresponding author and all co-authors are required to complete this form, which is part of the author submission package. Please submit completed forms at the same time as your manuscript.

  • Include a section entitled Competing Interests in submitted manuscripts.

    This section should appear at the end of the manuscript, before the Acknowledgments and Funding section. Use each author’s initials to refer to her/his competing interests. If an author has no competing interests, please give the author’s initials and state “ declares no competing interests.” If none of the authors have competing interests, please state “The authors declare they have no competing interests.” Failure to include this information in the manuscript may delay evaluation and review.

If there appears to be a conflict of interest, authors are required to complete a Conflict of Interest Resolution Form. The requirements of the form are listed below:

To comply with ACCME standards, when developing or presenting content, you must adhere to the following:

  1. All recommendations involving clinical medicine should be based on “best available evidence” and represent a standard of practice within the profession of medicine.
  2. Personal or professional preference for those products or services may not be expressed. While you may indicate that you use a particular product or service in your practice, you must not make patient care or practice recommendations based on your “clinical experience” only.
  3. It is required that relevant financial relationships be disclosed to participants prior to the activity. Participants will be asked to evaluate the objectivity of the presentation and to identify any perceived commercial bias.
  4. Papers will be submitted for peer review and content validation. If any content falls outside the requirements, you must revise or delete them.


Please make sure the following guidelines are fulfilled before your presentation slides are sent for review:

  • Generic names should be used consistently
  • When trade names are used for clarification, all trade names should be included
  • No product specific messages, logos, product images, promotional statements, etc. are allowed
  • Literature should be cited to support data presented
  • Multiple treatment options are discussed in presentation