Founding Editor
Michael Friedman, ND
Dr. Friedman is a naturopathic physician and was adjunct instructor of endocrinology at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. He is also the founder and director of the Annual Restorative Medicine Conference. Dr. Friedman is the author of the medical textbook Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology and co-author of Healing Diabetes. His research on the use of SR T3 has been published by the University Puerto Rico Medical School.
Liz Sutherland, ND
Dr. Sutherland has been a co-investigator on several NIH-funded research studies. She completed post-doctoral research fellowships at the Kaiser Permanente Northwest Center for Health Research and the University of Arizona College of Medicine Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Training Program. She has taught at the National College (now University) of Natural Medicine where she also redesigned the mind-body medicine curriculum, and served as Chair of Program Development for the undergraduate academic curriculum. Dr. Sutherland has extensive experience as a medical and technical writer/editor. She is currently in private practice in Portland, OR.